The Athlete’s Compass Podcast
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The Athlete’s Compass Vodcast
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In this first episode of a three-part series on the Athletes Compass podcast, hosts Paul Warloski and Marjaana Rakai, together with expert Dr. Paul Laursen, explore the intricacies of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The episode delves into HIIT’s foundational concepts, physiological benefits, and strategic applications, drawing extensively on Laursen’s research and his co-authored guide, “The...
In this informative episode of the Athletes Compass podcast, hosts Paul Warloski and Dr. Paul Laursen, alongside guest Marjaana Rakai, delve into the intricacies of nutrition for early morning workouts. They discuss whether it’s necessary to fuel before high-intensity training sessions, particularly when they occur first thing in the morning. Dr. Laursen emphasizes the importance...
In this episode of the Athletes Compass podcast, hosts Paul Warloski and Marjaana Rakai engage with Dr. Paul Laursen, the multifaceted founder of Athletica, co-host of the HIIT Science podcast, and author. They explore his life story, delving into his past as a triathlete, his academic research, and the eventual creation of AI coaching platform...
In the second installment of The Athletes Compass focusing on nutrition, Paul Laursen and Marjaana Rakai guide Paul Warloski through the nuances of adopting a low carb, high fat (LCHF) diet. They delve into Professor Tim Noakes’ Real Meal Revolution, which categorizes foods into green, yellow, and red lists for easier dietary choices. The hosts...
In this episode of the Athletes Compass podcast, hosts Paul Warloski and Paul Laursen, along with guest Marjaana Rakai, delve into the controversial yet increasingly popular topic of low carb, high fat (LCHF) diets for endurance athletes. They discuss the principles behind LCHF, its intended effects on performance and health, and the challenges athletes face...
In this episode of The Athlete’s Compass, hosts Paul Warloski, Dr. Paul Laursen, and Marjaana Rakai delve into the topic of aging athletes, exploring the physiological changes that occur with age, the impact on athletic performance, and strategies to maintain fitness and health. They discuss the importance of consistent training, nutrition, and strength training for...
In this episode of The Athlete’s Compass, hosts Paul Warloski and Marjaana Rakai, along with special guest Dr. Paul Laursen, delve into the concept of Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and its critical role in training for endurance athletes. They discuss the evolution of RPE from a simple subjective measure to a sophisticated tool used...
Summary: In this episode of the Athletes Compass, hosts Paul Warloski and Dr. Paul Laursen, along with guest Marjaana Rakai, discuss the significance of testing for endurance athletes. They cover various tests for cycling, running, and swimming, such as the Functional Threshold Power (FTP) test, critical power test, and MAF (Maximal Aerobic Function) test. The...
In this episode, hosts Paul Warloski and Dr. Paul Laursen, along with guest Marjaana Rakai, delve into the intricacies of training female endurance athletes. They discuss the importance of understanding female physiology, the menstrual cycle’s impact on training, and the need for individualized approaches. The conversation also touches on the importance of communication between coaches...
In this episode of The Athletes Compass, hosts Paul Warloski, Marjaana Rakai, and Dr. Paul Laursen dive into the topic of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and its practical applications for training and health. They discuss the principles of HRV, how it reflects the body’s response to stress and training, and how athletes can use it...

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