Athletica Blog
Unveiling the Secrets Behind Cindy’s Flawless Race and Triathlon Training Journey
Cindy Malone executes her perfect race at the Kona Ironman World Championships thanks to her hard work and consistency in following her Athletica triathlon training plan.
From Reluctant Runner to Thriving Athlete: Katie Pintar from Minneapolis
Katie demolished her previous PR by 17 minutes running into 1:33:09 at Grandma’s Half in June 2023. Photo credit: @katrinagaisfordKatie Pintar used to dread the very idea of running. The thought of it didn't appeal to her at all. But a peculiar itch for challenge led...
Cindy Maloney of Revelstoke, BC in Canada. An inspiring Athletica athlete heading to the Ironman World Championship in Kona.
In a remarkable feat this past June, Cindy raced the Ironman Coeur D’Alene, setting a blazing new personal record on the Ironman course and securing her well-deserved spot at the prestigious Ironman World Championships. Her journey to success, however, isn't merely a...
Unlock Your Performance Potential with Zone 2 Training: A Comprehensive Guide
The post features a comprehensive guide on Zone 2 training. Learn about why its import from a health, performance and longevity standpoint.
Back to the Future – Introducing the Workout Reserve.
Foreword by Filip Kolodziej Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy. Several months ago, I (Filip) wrote my first blog for Athletica on the future potential of using mathematically-modelled power profiling for guiding individualised training...
ChatGPT vs AI | The Future of Endurance Training?
Have you ever wondered where your coach has just magic-ed that session from? Is it part of a higher plan, or was it conceived on the spot? Maybe they asked an online chatbot to design it? ChatGPT has exploded into our lives and our social media streams....
Female Athlete Mystery: should she train with respect to her menstrual cycle?
The effect of the menstrual cycle on female athletes’ performance and training response is still unknown. Conversely, the effect of training load on menstrual cycle dynamics remains elusive. Athletica pairs up with Mira and HRV4Training to conduct in-field research to resolve the relationships between the menstrual cycle and endurance training.
Solutions to the programming puzzle require navigating context. Athletica launches => the Workout Wizard
One of the key training philosophies we embrace at HIIT Science is the simple saying “context over content”. You as an athlete know your context best. You know your situation. Even though a session sits in front of you in the plan, that session might...
Athlete phenotyping is the blueprint for training load individualisation (Part 1) – the convoluted science of the Anaerobic Speed/Power Reserve
New year, new me – Athletica introduces new athlete profiling features In our most recent blog, we discussed the scientific rationale behind power profiling in cycling. In case you haven’t read it yet, we strongly encourage you to go back to check it...
“Going beyond the threshold” – power profiling is the future of training load control
“Time is money” – the countless issues with an indefinite threshold-based intensity control In the endurance sports community, we often hear about the laboratory-measured parameters such as the V̇O2max, max aerobic power (MAP), fractional oxygen utilisation, first and...
After the ash settles – the Kona 2022 aftermath
Finally , the most anticipated event of the year comes to an end. In brief: Some athletes witnessed their “zero to hero” story written in real time, while others floundered. Big names rose to expectations, while others crumbled under pressure… Events were...
The Biggest Triathlon Event On The Planet – Ironman World Championship
Everyone dreams of competing here. It's the fuel that drags many people out of bed at 5 A.M., ready to jump in the freezing pool or on the bike on a rainy day. It’s the thought of racing here, on the biggest scene, why many people endure hours and hours of hard...
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